Tuesday 20 December 2011

My Morocco Trip to some Guru to help me find a boyfriend

I'm done with match.com, single-parties and friends-introducing-someone-thingy, so I decided to turn to the occult and went to Morocco to visit a Guru... What I got? Two bottles of allegedly enchanted water, lots of herbs and a special ring to wear... I'll let you know if my romantic encounters suddenly accelerate..
Read about my journey to Morocco and my visit to that Guru here.

Here are some pictures I took - Morocco really IS beautiful:

                                                 Fancy a smoke? Moroccan - style Shisha

                                                            Camels all over the place...
                                                                       Beach in Agadir

                                       Moroccan Architecture - here a building in Marrakech

                  Moroccan people love spices and herbs... in supermarkets you get them in bulks...

                                         View of Agadir - typical Moroccan.-style houses...

                         The ordinary living room in Morocco - a hint of Arabian style. I love it!

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