Saturday, 30 July 2011

Animal-style rings...

Right now, funny rings sporting animal patterns are to be seen everywhere. I'm not sure if I fancy to wear a tiger's head on my right ringfinger,but then again I'm too young not to fashionable...

Again one of my bad-camera moments. I hope you can still figure out the bird attached to the ring...

If you want things a bit wilder, why not try out some tiger's head?

Now that one would be one of my favourites. Since Harry Potter I'm a big fan of all sorts of owls.

Beasty... Let's have a screaming lion on your finger... Guess where I've seen that one? Yeah, New Look, of course. They're the only ones who get away selling this sort of stuff.

That one I actually somehow like... The snake loops around the finger and has a nice patterns of little black dots.

This would be my favourite, no doubt. A parrot on your finger... Unfortunately I arrived at an age beyond 12, so these kind of rings are out of question. A pity, really.

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